What is the best wart remover to choose

Warts are unsightly formations that form on the surface of the skin from the dead layers of the epidermis. Its appearance is due to the impact of HPV, which is activated as immunity decreases, in situations of stress and under the influence of other factors. To choose the most effective remedy for warts, it is necessary to study its varieties.

The neoplasms under consideration are divided into several types:

  • vulgar / common;
  • flat / young;
  • to plant;
  • senile;
  • genital warts.

Warts that appear on the body after HPV infection can disappear on their own, because a viral illness is usually cured as the body's defenses are restored. With the course of the disease chronically, accompanied by the formation of ugly tubercles, several drugs are used to eliminate them.

In addition to oral wart remedies, the patient must regularly treat tumors with special ointments, creams, and solutions.

Among the homeopathic remedies in the treatment of warts, tonic medicines based on Schisandra chinensis, leuzea, echinacea, ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus are used.

The best remedies for warts and papillomas

removal of a wart on the finger with remedy

Antiviral medications for a wide range of uses are often used to remove warts. They are prescribed for the therapeutic and prophylactic purposes of HPV and other diseases of a similar nature.

The gel treatment is not costly - it is applied with care in neoplasms, without staining and rubbing. On average, this fight against genital warts takes 5 days. If during the indicated time the tubers do not disappear completely, the treatment is continued for up to 10 days.

A few days after starting treatment, the tumors shrink on their own (there is no need to "help" the warts). If there are multiple formations, it is not recommended to process them at the same time. In this case, the treatment must be carried out at intervals of several weeks.

A safe drug approved for standalone use is a special freezing agent. The medicine instantly freezes the wart and completely removes it within 10 days. But for children under 4 years of age, growth treatment is not performed.

Popular Ways to Get Rid of Warts

  • Aloe Vera extract is a harmless natural preparation for the treatment of warts and papillomas. They use it like this: after soaking a cotton swab in plant juice or drugstore gel, it is stuck with the neoplasm for several hours. The fleece is changed periodically. The procedure is performed daily until the buildup is completely eliminated.
  • Tea tree essential oil is a powerful and effective antiseptic remedy for warts. With regular application on the bumps, they disappear quickly, the main thing is not to forget to carry out the manipulation daily.
  • Easy to use and lemon essential oil. It is applied to the tuber in the amount of 1 drop once a day. The manipulation should be repeated until the wart completely disappears.
  • Castor oil is also considered a good remedy for warts. After applying to the growth, you need to rub and massage the treated area. The procedure is performed for several weeks in the morning and at night, achieving complete disappearance of the skin defect.
  • Apple cider vinegar is recognized as a simple and affordable remedy for warts. It is applied to the wart with a cotton swab after spraying the affected area in reasonably hot water. Once the lump has been moistened with vinegar, it is necessary to wait 10 minutes and then wash the body. You can also use the second vinegar therapy option. The wart is simply washed and soaked in fruit vinegar, without rubbing or rinsing - the product must dry on its own.
  • Since ancient times, warts have been removed by rubbing onion, potato and radish juice on the body. Today, the folk treatment has been complemented by the "banana procedure", which means to apply an exotic delicacy to the plantar growth of the skin.